Exactly the First Two Years of My Marriage: Navigating Solitude Through the Pandemic

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The first two years of marriage are often thought of as a time of profound togetherness, shared moments, and a blossoming partnership. However, for some, these years may take an unexpected turn, as was the case for me. In the midst of a global pandemic, I found myself navigating the complexities of married life while physically alone. In this article, I’ll share my personal journey through these extraordinary times, reflecting on the challenges, personal growth, and the question that arose: Did I complain?

A Dreamy Beginning

The beginning of my marriage was nothing short of a fairy tale. Filled with love, dreams, and hopes for a beautiful life together, my partner and I took our vows with hearts brimming with joy and anticipation. Little did we know that the world would soon be grappling with a pandemic that would change the course of our lives.

The Pandemic Arrives

As the pandemic unfolded and swept across the globe, life as we knew it transformed drastically. Lockdowns, social distancing, and travel restrictions became part of our daily reality. However, what truly set my experience apart was that my spouse and I were separated by miles, with no certainty of when we would be reunited.

Navigating Solitude

The first year of my marriage was defined by physical separation. It was a paradoxical experience, as I was connected to my partner in heart and soul but remained physically distanced. The times that we would have spent together as newlyweds were filled with video calls, phone conversations, and endless texting. It was a test of patience and longing, as we yearned for the simple joys of holding hands, sharing a meal, or just being together.

Growth Through Adversity

As the months passed and the pandemic’s grip continued, I found myself embarking on a journey of personal growth. The solitude that initially felt isolating gradually transformed into a period of self-discovery and reflection. I embraced hobbies, worked on personal projects, and deepened my understanding of who I was as an individual. This period of separation gave me the opportunity to nurture my own identity, even within the constraints of social isolation.

Did I Complain?

The question of whether I complained during this time arises, and it’s one that I reflect on with honesty. Yes, there were moments of frustration, loneliness, and the natural desire for physical closeness. I missed my partner, and I yearned for a “normal” married life. But I also realized that complaining was not the answer. Complaining wouldn’t change the circumstances. Instead, I chose to focus on what I could control – my perspective and my actions.

Fostering Resilience

I discovered a wellspring of resilience within me that I hadn’t fully recognized before. The trials of the pandemic and the solitude of the first two years of my marriage tested my ability to adapt, persevere, and remain hopeful. I learned that resilience wasn’t about denying the challenges but about acknowledging them and choosing to respond in a way that fostered growth rather than despair.

Maintaining Connection

Despite the physical distance, my partner and I maintained a strong emotional connection. We continued to communicate openly, share our experiences, and support each other through the ups and downs of life. Our relationship became a testament to the power of emotional bonds, proving that physical proximity is not the only measure of a strong partnership.

A New Appreciation

As the second year of our marriage unfolded, I began to appreciate the depth of our relationship even more. We had faced a unique set of challenges that had strengthened our connection in ways that may not have been possible in a “normal” context. I learned that the strength of a relationship is not measured solely by the time spent physically together but by the emotional connection, shared values, and mutual support.

Looking Ahead

As the world gradually opens up and travel restrictions ease, my spouse and I eagerly anticipate the day we can be together again. The lessons I’ve learned during these two years will continue to guide me. I’ve learned that love and commitment can endure, even in the face of adversity. I’ve recognized the importance of personal growth and resilience during challenging times. And I’ve discovered that complaining may offer momentary relief, but embracing the situation and finding ways to grow and adapt is ultimately more rewarding.


The first two years of my marriage were indeed a test of patience, resilience, and the power of emotional connection. The pandemic brought with it unique challenges that forced me to navigate physical separation, solitude, and longing. Through it all, I chose to focus on personal growth, resilience, and maintaining the strength of our relationship. Did I complain? Yes, but I also discovered the strength to rise above complaints and embrace the journey with hope and gratitude. The lessons I’ve learned will continue to shape my perspective and my marriage as we look ahead to a future filled with the promise of togetherness.
